FITness Articles

Push vs. Pull Workout: What Is the Difference?
When it comes to building your workout routine, it’s important to work out your muscles at least once per week while giving them ample time for recovery. The best way to achieve this is with the pu...

How To Get Motivated To Work Out
When it comes to exercise, there’s a reason skipping a workout is unfathomable to some people, while others need to be convinced: There’s a difference in their level of motivation—the invisible for...

How Long Should You Wait to Work Out After Eating?
Nutrition is one of the most important factors affecting your workout performance. But not only is what you eat important but when you eat it, too. Eating too soon before your workout can leave you...

When Should You Take Pre-Workout?
Finding the right pre-workout supplement is only part of the equation. You also want to make sure you’re taking it at the right time. That’s because taking your pre-workout too early or too late ca...

Cardio vs. Weights: Which Is Better?
Building your workout routine is an important part of reaching your fitness goals. While there are hundreds of workouts to choose from, they can roughly be grouped into two categories: cardio and w...

How Often Should You Be Working Out?
Regular exercise is vital to maintaining your overall health. Whether your goal is to lose weight, put on muscle, or just lead a healthy lifestyle, it is vital to stay active. However, striking a s...

How Much Caffeine Is In Pre-Workout?
Whether you’re a veteran of the gym or fitness novice, you’ve probably heard of pre-workout supplements. Many fitness enthusiasts sing the praises of these powders and pills that boost your energy ...

How To Tell if You Have an Exercise Addiction
Daily exercise is vital to maintaining and improving your overall health. In fact, the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) recommends that you get a minimum of 150 minutes of moderate-in...

How Many Calories Should You Burn a Day?
Simply put, calories are units of energy that your body needs to burn to conduct everyday tasks. Therefore, no matter what you do, your body burns calories doing it. From going on a long run to wat...

All The Amazing Benefits of Cardio
Although cardio is one of the best ways to burn calories and improve your physique, there are many benefits to cardio that are more than skin-deep. In addition to doing strength training at the gy...

Beginner’s Guide to Rowing Machines
Whether you’re a fitness veteran or first-time gym-goer, you’ve probably wondered: Is there a perfect workout? Is there one workout I can do that will fulfill all of my fitness needs? At EnergyFit,...

Foods To Avoid When Building Muscle
When it comes to building muscle, diet is just as, if not more, important as working out. Without proper consumption of the necessary macronutrients, your potential to gain muscle can be delayed, s...

15 Fitness Gifts for People Who Love Exercising
Buying gifts is never an easy task. However, it gets a lot easier if you know something about the person you’re shipping for—such as their love for fitness. If this year, you’re buying a gift for ...

Too much of a good thing can be bad, and exercise is no exception to that rule. While regular exercise is crucial to supporting your overall health, it is only the tip of the iceberg for your fitne...

Does It Matter What Time You Workout?
The hardest part of working out is finding time to do it. You’re a busy person, and you may have only one or two windows in your day in which you can squeeze in a workout. Perhaps you can only work...

5 Best Leg Workouts Without Weights
We all know the importance of training lower body, or as some call it, leg day. But for some reason, this seems to be the one part of a workout routine that gets overlooked. Of course, we can’t alw...

Why Do I Sweat So Much When I Work Out?
Sweating is a normal symptom of exercise. Some people sweat more than others, and there are a variety of factors that determine how much you sweat: How hard you work out Weather conditions Genetic...

What Muscles Does Rowing Work?
Rowing has long been considered “the perfect” exercise because it provides a high-intensity, full-body workout. Furthermore, similar to cycling or swimming, rowing is low-impact, making it easy on ...